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As you can see from the fact that this update about what happened in July is being posted in mid-August, it was a busy month! ¶ Band or Album Remix funded successfully, and went to press.¶ Prolific Games signed an exclusive license to distribute Morning’s Kill the Unicorns in the United States. ¶ Plus: kid lacrosse tournaments! ¶ Plus: Las Vegas vacation! ¶ Plus: Other things I can’t even remember!

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I talked with Ken Hite about Bert-ing and about Band or Album Remix on Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff. Make sure you’re on the notification list for Band or Album…

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I was on the Armchair Dragoons podcast, chatting with a panel of educators about teaching game design at the college level. ¶ For a virtual convention, GAMA Expo was a notable…

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Twenty-eight-day February seems like an apt month for progress on everything, but nothing brought fully complete. Teaching is ongoing, Gravstrike‘s faction logos were redesigned, Left Justified Studio’s kintsugi card game…

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The groundwork was laid in December, but in January I received the coin design for a new Band or Album campaign, to almost-certainly be called Band or Album Remix. To get…

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2020 is almost over. Good riddance. ¶ Gravstrike graphic (re)design proceeds! Here’s a version of the new logo that’s getting very close, in a box cover mock-up and alone.

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Although Dice Miner has not yet arrived with backers, it is not commanding very much of my time just now, so I’ve moved on to other Atlas Games development and…

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